I Can (Poetry Is…)
Is a child’s first steps
Both thrilling, new and uncertain
A realization that I
Can do more than I
Ever thought capable
A release, a breaking
Of the mind’s barriers
I can walk and not just crawl
I can run and not just walk
I can
Is the first jump into the deep
Conquering the fear that it
May not go quite as planned
My words can swallow and suffocate me
And no one may understand why I had
To take the plunge
But I rise above the surface
And breathe my heart
Across each page
I can breathe
I can
Is the first time behind the wheel
License in hand
Heart in my stomach
Trusting only my myself and my pen
To know where I’m going
But still, I’m the one
Behind the wheel
I say when to break
I say when to keep going, and when to turn
I can go as far as I will
I can
Is my first love
Caresses my mind and
Takes my heart further into
An unfathomable bliss
Taking leisurely strolls my literary devices
Mesmerized by word play
Smitten with metaphor
Butterflies from kisses of sweet simile
My words teach me to dance
I can dance
I can
Is my first therapy session
To talk about my first love betrayal
And my first car accident
The first time I almost drowned
And my first memories of falling
Trying to run
It’s processing my pain
It’s healing my soul
It’s telling my story
It’s helping me understand
That I can be me
I can
Is the pouring out of my breath for others to breathe
It is the love that makes me fly
A gift of joy for moments of sadness
A peace that gives life to my bones
It is my way of
Communicating and living
My truth
I can live my truth
I can live
I can