You clipped my wings before I even knew I had the gift of flight
Drowning my fiery flames in sinking sand
Your inability to see greatness within me left my underdeveloped mind jaded & afraid of heights
The bitterness consumed you so
With pain in your eyes, you crushed the innocence that the outside world had yet to rip away
Pushing me but begging me to stay
And He....
He was young not quite sure of what was right or wrong
Meant to watch over
Decide that I would be his experiment
Acting as if he were Adam and I was his Eve
I wasn't even old enough to know what was happening
I cried, not knowing why
All I remember was saying no
I was so young I forgot every detail
Blurs, I did my best pushing these nightmares to the back of my subconscious, consciously hurting confused as to why, after all, where can I run to
who could I tell
Why would I
Yes you told me to but scared and perplexed only knowing what could happen next
I simply didn't want our already crumbling foundation of our sadly dysfunctional group of beautifully damaged nestlings to meet its demise because of me
Understand that with the logic provided by uneducated damaged queens, I mean warriors, I mean survivors
Well all of the above
Even when I'm a victim I could never allow myself to truly be the victim that part of me actually maybe
I'm too strong for that
I don't care what he took from me
What she took from me
What they took from me
That destroyed this fairytale moment turned nightmare
I'll assume he didn't know any better
They didn't know any better
My true thoughts and emotions collide
Feeling as if I'm drowning inside
I beg and plead for your love but you dispose of my request
After all, how can you give me love if you never knew love for yourself...